Prevalence of Gestation in School Adolescents in Brazil and Associated Factors

Author Details

Thaynara Maestri, Filipe Luis Merini, Thais Andressa Walber, Patrine Marchi Avosani, Sofia Santiago Freitas, Luan Junior Vignatti, Paulo Fontoura Freitas, Marcia Regina Kretzer

Journal Details


Published: 3 September 2019 | Article Type :


Objectives: To analyse the prevalence and factors associated with pregancy in school adolescents in Brazil.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out using data from the National School Health Survey (PeNSE), for the year of 2015. Female adolescents from 13 to 17 years of age were included. The dependent variable was pregnancy. The data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0, Chi-square test was applied and prevalence ratios (PR), with 95% CI were obtained, results were considered statistically significant when p value was less than 5%. A model of Multivariate Analysis by Logistic Regression was used, based on a Hierarchical Model.

Results: The study included data concerning 11,850 adolescents. The prevalence of pregnancy among adolescents who had already started sexual activity was 11.5%. There was a predominance of non-white skin color (61.2%), age above 15 years (60.4%), studying at public schools (77.2%), not living with their mothers (12.8%), or with their fathers (38.5%) and, with a low level of maternal schooling (68.2%). Regarding the outcome, there was a statistically significant association between white skin color (adjusted RP: 2.39, p <0.001), age above 15 years (adjusted RP: 1.80, p: 0.014), day shift (adjusted RP: 2.01, p <0.001), not living with their mothers (adjusted PR: 2.67, p <0.001), not living with their fathers (adjusted PR: 1.49, p: 0.022), low maternal schooling (adjusted RP: 2.48, p<0,001) and relating sexual violence (adjusted PR: 2.13, p: 0.020).

Conclusion: About 11% of school children who reported having already started sexual intercourse had already become pregnant. Associations were found between pregnancy and socio-demographic aspects, related to school, lifestyle habits and sexual behavior. The school can be seen as a conducive environment for the development of educational and socio-cultural health strategies.

Keywords: Pregnancy in Adolescence. Adolescent. Sexuality. Sexual and Reproductive Health.

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Thaynara Maestri, Filipe Luis Merini, Thais Andressa Walber, Patrine Marchi Avosani, Sofia Santiago Freitas, Luan Junior Vignatti, Paulo Fontoura Freitas, Marcia Regina Kretzer. (2019-09-03). "Prevalence of Gestation in School Adolescents in Brazil and Associated Factors." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-8